Healthcare Litigation

For healthcare professionals, our firm’s reputation for defense verdicts makes Lemons, Grundy & Eisenberg the premier choice in Nevada when a healthcare professional’s reputation is on the line. We have defended hundreds of malpractice claims against a variety of healthcare professionals with countless defense verdicts and successful results for our clients. We enjoy a Best Lawyers Tier 1 Metropolitan ranking for our medical malpractice defense in Reno, Nevada.

Not only do we represent healthcare professionals at the administrative and trial stage, our firm has also successfully defended and challenged judgments on appeal before the Nevada Supreme Court. You can learn more about our appellate practice here.

We pride ourselves on providing dedicated representation that reflects the sensitive situation our clients experience when faced with a medical malpractice claim. We also assist medical professionals who are faced with a disciplinary complaint from their licensing board. For more information, please see Healthcare Administration.

Members who practice in Healthcare Litigation

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