
Should you hire a lawyer even if your insurance company has hired a lawyer for you?

People buy insurance liability policies (such as automobile insurance, homeowner insurance, professional liability, and business insurance) with the general expectation that if they are sued by somebody hurt in an accident the insurance company will hire a lawyer to protect them. If an insurance company does hire a lawyer to protect you if you are […]
Robert L. Eisenberg photo

Robert L. Eisenberg inducted into American Academy of Appellate Lawyers

Lemons, Grundy & Eisenberg is proud to announce that managing partner and shareholder Robert L. Eisenberg was recently inducted into the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers, a prestigious organization with limited membership across the United States. The American Academy of Appellate Lawyers was founded in 1990 to recognize outstanding appellate lawyers and promote the improvement […]

Nevada Public Records Law

Community access to government documents promotes transparency and oversight of governmental entities by the general public those entities serve and, as recognized by the statutory scheme, such access fosters democratic principles. Chapter 239 of the Nevada Revised Statutes governs the public’s access to “all public books and public records of a government entity, the contents […]

Preparing and Recording a Homestead Declaration

For many people, their home is their largest asset.  Despite the importance of protecting your assets, homeowners overlook a statutory mechanism that can provide protection from creditors. In Nevada, a homeowner can prepare and record a Homestead Declaration in the county in which the residence is located. Upon the recording of a properly prepared homestead […]

The Importance of Preservation of ESI and Metadata

Historically, evidence to be presented at trial consisted of physical documents and other tangible things, i.e., a weapon in a murder trial. Proper preservation of physical evidence is critical. The failure to adequately preserve evidence is referred to as “spoliation.” If evidence is not properly preserved, an adverse party may request that the presiding court […]

When you don’t want to hold money that doesn’t belong to you

Sometimes a person or company can be in possession of property or money that should go to other people but the other people won’t or can’t accept the property or money… or might even disagree who should get the property or money. For example, if both the buyer and seller of a car ask you […]