Labor & Employment

We successfully defend employers and employees in a full-range of employment and workplace related issues, from investigating misconduct and harassment claims to bringing or defending claims of wrongful termination to sexual harassment, retaliation, discrimination and grievance proceedings. From private companies to municipalities, we provide a thorough and dedicated defense, whether the matter is in state or federal trial or appellate court or still in the administrative phase before the Nevada Equal Rights Commission or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, both in the investigative phase and in mediating claims of discrimination.

For many years, our employment lawyers at Lemons, Grundy & Eisenberg guided Nevada employers on a variety of human resources matters, including:

  • employee handbooks and policies
  • proper record keeping
  • sexual harassment and discrimination prevention,
  • privacy issues, and
  • counseling clients in connection with discipline and employee discharge.

Our attorneys have also successfully helped employees negotiate the details and terms of severance agreements when faced with a loss of employment.

Other areas of Employment Law practiced by our attorneys include the Government Employee- Management Relations Board, the National Labor Relations Board, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Federal Department of Labor, and the Office of the Labor Commissioner for the State of Nevada.

Members who practice in Labor & Employment

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